iOS App Developing Software Engineer
  • In charged of the FIFISH App for iOS system, including the structure building, code developing and user experience
  • Following the procedure of software developing and deploy for iOS system, based on the request and co-operation
  • In charged of the media sharing and on-screen displaying function on iOS platform

  • Bachelor degree
  • Minimum 3 years experiences on ios App development
  • Coordinate with the complete App developing project(s)
  • Familiar with the publishing procedures on App Store
  • Experiences on the footage or sound track App is a plus

  • Capable to handle the iOS App project independently
  • Familiar with the Xcode, Objective-C/swift and SDK tools specially on iOS developing platform
  • Familiar with the SDK’s UI, network, database, XML/JSON analysis strategy
  • Familiar with the H.264, H.265, AAC coding rules, as well as, the streaming container FLV, TS, and MP4 format

  • Analysis and problem-solving skills
  • Project management skills
  • Able to handle the pressure
  • Good at the communication, expression
  • Logical thinker and efficiency are the critical

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